30 days of WORKOUTS No days off. A personal WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE

Before we get started. I would like to take a moment and remind you that I am not a personal trainer, physician or physiotherapist. If you feel motivated and inspired to start an exercise or workout routine. Please consult your doctor. I do not recommend that anyone try any of the workouts listed in this blog. If you feel inclined to attempt these or any other routine please consult a professional before doing so.

Over the course of days 7 to 12, I started to notice a major shift in my mentality.  I don’t just mean on an every day level, but the focus I had found deterred any negative thoughts the second they entered my mind.  I developed the ability to turn them off like a switch.

Physically, upon review of some of my pictures.  I started to notice some oddities about by body.  

I seem to tilt to one side.  Not lean, tilt.  

I noticed that I was using my muscles wrong.  Yeah you can do that!  

Who knew?  

So in a couple of my early pictures, when attempting to stand straight.  I would flex my midsection out.  Instead, I should have been pulling my abs up and in.  

Whats interesting is that as soon as I changed how I flexed and contracted the muscle group. I started to notice similar instances with other parts of my body.  Like my back and my sides.

I was rounding my shoulders pretty aggressively.  I was pushing out my obliques, when I should have been pulling them in.

As soon as I made the correction.  There was a drastic change in the mechanics of my work outs.  I could feel each muscle group activate and press during over head movements.  When doing body weight exercises, it was like my entire body became one.  Moving as a unit, no sway, no bowing in my back, and no drooping throughout my midsection.

With that being said the mental change stole the show.  The determination it takes to follow through on just a regular 3 day a week routine is tough enough.

Man does it change your perspective though.  

Once you make it over that wall and you find focus, doubt just drifts away.  Replaced by a calm, comfortable knowing.  Not an understanding, but a knowing, a deep belief in your own capabilities.  

 Once you get there, no thought can shut you down.

Having said that, below are the work outs for days 12 to 16. Accompanied by some pics from days 11 and 13.

On my last post I didn’t post pictures thinking I hadn’t taken any. It appears that I just hadn’t transferred them from my go pro to the computer. So here is a proper update.

Weight loss before picture of man.
Jan, 11 202 Dy 7
Weight loss picture of a man before a workout.  Side view.
Jan, 17 2020 Day 13

Jan, 16 2020 day 12

 Free weights

 35 lbs dumbbell
 1st set 8 reps
 2nd set 8 reps
 3rd set 8 reps

Tricept extension
 35 lbs dumbbell
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Shoulder shrugs
 35 lbs dumbbells
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Single arm Shoulder press
 35 lbs kettle bell
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Single arm lateral raises
 20 lbs kettle bell
 1st set 8 reps
 2nd set 8 reps
 3rd set 8 reps

Bent over rows
 35 lbs kettle bell
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Side bends
 35 lbs kettle bell
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Deadlift shoulder raises
 35 lbs kettle bell
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

 35 lbs dumbbells
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Sit ups
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Push ups
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps


Total time 1hr

 Jan, 17 2020 day 13

 Fitness Blender 1×10 kettle bell workout.

 Total time 15 min

 Jan, 18 2020 day 14

 Fitify 15 minute circuit 5 rounds.  With 3 minute warm up.

 Free weights

 1st set 5 reps
 2nd set 5 reps
 3rd set 8 reps

Tricept extension
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Shoulder shrugs
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Single arm shoulder press
 1st set 8 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Side bends
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Standing chest press
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

 Total time 45 minutes

 Jan, 19 2020 day 15

 40 minutes on stationary bike.


Total time 40 min

 Jan, 20 2020 day 16

 15 minutes on stationary bike.

 Free weights

 35 lbs dumbbells
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Overhead tricep extensions
 35 lbs dumbbells
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Shoulder press
 35 lbs kettle bell
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Shoulder shrugs
 35 lbs dumbbells
 1st set 12 reps
 2nd set 12 reps
 3rd set 12 reps

Bent over row
 35 lbs dumbbells
 1st set 10 reps each side
 2nd set 12 reps
 3rd set 12 reps

 35 lbs dumbbells
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Side bends
 35 lbs dumbbells
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 12 reps

 2 minute break after 1st sets
 Then start second/third set.

Chest press
 35 lbs dumbbells
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

 35 lbs dumbbells
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 10 reps
 3rd set 10 reps

Arnold press
 35 lbs dumbbells
 1st set 10 reps
 2nd set 9 reps
 3rd set 9 reps

 Total time 1hr 15 minutes

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4 thoughts on “30 days of WORKOUTS No days off. A personal WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE

  1. Pingback: 30 day CHALLENGE. Home gym EQUIPMENT REVIEW. – Personal Development

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